- Sequence of application blueprints (within a stream) is now captured and it governs the order in which application blueprints are deployed to target environment
- It is now possible to distinguish between platform and application blueprints inside release pipeline view
- It is now possible to navigate to platform and application blueprints from release pipeline view, by clicking on corresponding hyperlinks that opens up detail page (of platform & application blueprints) into a new window
- You can now define in your Release Pipeline if platform updates should be skipped. This is useful if you want to use MyST for deployments only
- SVN URL has been made to wrap in case it exceeds horizontal width of the artifact detail pane
- Most of the tables and drop-downs are now sorted by the name of the entity in question
- When performing the action Patch, we now show an explicit message so that the user is better informed on how to properly run it.
- It is possible now to view the details of deployed artifacts in a given stage of a release pipeline / stream.
- When configuring the MyST Studio Jenkins plugin, you can now save the settings even if MyST Studio is unreachable
- MyST can now stream the execution log for actions that run against an instance, thereby giving the user a richer user experience.
- MyST now allows one to explicitly indicate that he wants to update passwords while performing an Update action and if so, updates all passwords for the Platform Instance
- Performance improvements while rendering Platform Models and running actions against Platform Instances
- You can explicitly define a listen address for OHS
Bug Fixes
- MyST now deploys MDS prior to Composites
- Issue around having save button for third party artifacts has been fixed now
- Fixed: Node Manager identity key store passphrases fail if there is a special character
- Fixed: Dependent patches not rolled back in reverse order
- Fixed: Issues related to some Workmanager mappings