- FC-4172 - Multiple role expressions can now be assigned against a JMS module
- FC-3537 - The default transaction support option can now be configured for JCA adapters within the Model and Blueprint editor
- FC-4124 - Improved robustness of artifact conflict checks by incorporating the group:artifactId:version combination
- FC-4047 - After an Application Blueprint (ABP) is deleted, you can now use the same ABP name again for a new ABP
- FC-3719 - Validation errors are now raised if different builds of the same artifact are found in a release pipeline but targeted to the same platform instance even across multiple streams
Bug Fixes
- FC-4156 - Fixed an issue when setting Gridlink datasource via the Platform Model wizard
- FC-4176 - Fixed an issue introduced in which caused the legacy deploy-offline and deploy-online actions to failed
- FC-4166 - Fixed an issue where Jar library redeployment fails when there is no managed server (single admin server)