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Myst Studio 6.6.0

Sai Sharath Maale

Performance and Response Time Improvements

Overall Myst response improved by up to 90x. We reduce the number of unnecessary SQL queries resulting in:

  • Improved all page load times - Most pages load within seconds as opposed to 10+ seconds or minutes
  • Minimized hourly CPU spike - Hourly executions of Release Pipelines reduced from minutes to a second thus reducing CPU time
Figure 2. Response time difference of Platform Model loading

This improvement deserves a special thanks to Rob de Haan (Rabobank) who was pragmatic and cooperative in working through the issues to achieve a successful outcome.

Figure 3. Response times (lower is better)

Security Salt and Hash

We revamped security by changing password encryption to a salt and hash. The salt is randomly generated on startup if no existing salt is found. See documentation.

Figure 1. Salt and Hash





Centralized Logging

In operational support you may need logs stored in a centralized location. Myst now supports managing a centralized log location for:

  • OHS log
  • Domain, AdminServer and Managed Server .log, .out, -diagnostic.log
  • Domain, AdminServer, and Managed Server log rotation properties
  • NodeManager logs
  • ODI agent logs

Enable with a WebLogic parameter with centralised Brtish English spelling because this feature was proudly implemented by our New Zealand developer. =)


Want more logs centralized? Let us know in the Myst Support portal.

Figure 5. Centralized logging

AppDynamics Monitoring for WebLogic

We recently worked with a customer to automate the configuration of the AppDynamics monitoring agent into WebLogic and have left the discussion open to other monitoring tools.


Want other monitoring tools added? Let us know in the Myst Support portal.

Jenkins Improvements

Improvements to Post Deployment UI

Did you know you can pass Myst properties (json format) to a Jenkinsjob? The payload contains platform instance and stream model properties.

The Post Deployment Action UI was inverted from 'Exclude Properties' to 'Include Properties'. The jsonpayload (containing myst properties) is:

  1. Passed to Jenkins when Platform Instance or Stream Model options are selected
  2. Not passed to Jenkins when no options are selected
Figure 4. Platform Instance and Stream Model properties can be passed to Jenkins as a JSON payload

Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCaC) for Myst Plugin

Support for Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCAC)! You can now manage the Myst plugin configuration for Jenkins. Useful for automating the provisioning of Jenkins instances.

dryRun: false
mystStudioAPIKey: "abcdefg123456"
mystStudioUrl: "http://web:8080"

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Provision of Oracle Fusion Middleware is supported for major components such as Oracle SOA.

Have a product you want added? Let us know on the Myst Support portal.

Release Notes

General Improvements

* FC-6498 - The Maven settings.xml from the Continuous Delivery Profile is always stored in the `$MYST_WORKSPACE/resources/maven/settings.xml`. System Artifacts can deploy successfully as the host no longer requires direct internet access.
* FC-6479 - Improved support for ODI deployments with artifact metadata properties `export-key` and `import-without-cipher-data`
* FC-6417 - Simplified vanilla Weblogic in the platform blueprint wizard for 12.1.3,, and
* FC-6412 - Supports SOA/OSB 12.1.3 on Amazon RDS
* FC-6433 - Improved ODI agent creation to handle frontend-id
* FC-6457 - Removed load balancers being associated to ODI agent during the register-odi-agents action
* FC-6419 - Added support for UMS Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) as `configure-ums-sms` action.
* FC-6467 - Added support for AppDynamics monitoring in JVM startup arguments. This is enabled by `core.product[weblogic].param[monitoring-tool]=appdynamics`
* FC-6423 - Automated creation and app startup of the oraclediagent (ODI). Can now be both created and started using the 'register-odi-agents' action.

Improvements to Jenkins Integrations

* FC-6484 - Added improvement in Myst Jenkins Plugin and Transport JAR for versioning with a quantifier. Eg. `1.0.1-rc-21` will be added to Myst as `version 1.0.1-rc` and `build 21`.
* FC-6455 - Added Jenkinsfile support for the myst plugin
* FC-6455 - Added Jenkins configure as code (JCaC) support for the myst plugin
* FC-6455 - Support for pomFileOverride in cases when using a workflowjob and the Jenkinsfile plugin (and you want to customise which POM file to discover)

Improvements for Operations

* FC-6508 - [#386136] - Improved `patch-domain` action to return meaningful errors
* FC-6454 - [#386092] - Added support for Axway 7.7. Special thanks to Jason Kriese (Shaw) for providing the critical improvements to add support.
* FC-6478 - [#386110] - Added support for JDBC `Connection Reserve Timeout`, `Maximum Waiting for Connection`, and `Statement Timeout`
* FC-6436 - Myst can now use its own java version using a global variable. Define the absolute path to the java binary. ``
* FC-6432 - Added support for centralised logging `core.product[weblogic].param[log-centralised-directory]=/u01/app/logs/`
* FC-6432 - Added support for cloudwatch style centralised logging by using `core.product[weblogic].param[log-centralised-type]=cloudwatch`
* FC-6410 - Added support for Myst Studio to run on Amazon Aurora database. Add environment variables to override the default Myst database: `MYST_DB_USERNAME`, `MYST_DB_PASSWORD`, `MYST_DB_HOST`
* FC-6486 - Added support for some actions to run in an active/passive topology where passive means offline (eg. host was shutdown with no SSH connectivity). Enabled by `validation.ssh=false`. More information here:
* FC-6444 - Added support for passing java arguments to myst cli. Use a global variable: `myst.opts=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m`. The default arguments are used if undefined.
* FC-6483 - Add support to Human Workflow Mailer using SOA product param `core.product[soa].param[hwf-mailer-` and running `configure-soa`
* FC-6430 - Improved the SOA composite deployments to use the frontend https address when http is undefined

Bug Fixes

* FC-6435 - [#385935] - Fixed Duplicate key in DataBagEntryEntity in Release Pipelines
* FC-6426 - [#386070] - Similar to FC-6420 - Fixed another regression (caused by 6.6.0-rc10 FC-6412) where non-rds databases required a myst property to be set. This time it was `core.product[rcu].param[honor-omf]`.
* FC-6501 - [#386134] - Fixed a regression since `6.6.0-rc7` where product parameters (eg. a port) would be overridden by the Myst default value
* FC-6485 - [#386120] - Fixed Generate New API Key error which sent users back to the login page
* FC-6491 - [#1569] - Fixed a longstanding bug when 10+ compute nodes were in lexical order resulting in managed servers and machines being mixed incorrectly
* FC-6414 - [#386061] - Added to catalog so it is selectable in the dropdown (so users don't need to select RAW and enter the version)
* FC-6488 - [#386122] - Fixed deployment action results in error 'data integrity violation' after deployment completes
* FC-6442 - [#386072] - Fixed a bug where Myst correctly applies database persistence for users with database persistence set in OFMW and
* FC-6429 - Fixed a bug where honorOMF dataload schema password uses db-sys-password but should use db-password
* FC-6441 - Fixed a bug where the db sys role was being passed to AWS RDS causing drop-db-sessions to fail
* FC-6418 - Fixed a regression (caused by FC-6409) where 'patch' phase would always fail. Changed ODI 12.1.3 dynamic.classpath property for 'deploy' phase only.
* FC-6487 - Fixed a regression with FC-6432 centralized logging so `core.product[weblogic].param[log-centralised-type]=cloudwatch` actually works
* FC-6420 - Fixed a regression (caused by FC-6412) where non-rds databases required a myst property to be set.
* FC-6431 - Fixed the 'null' value in Myst Maven product home directory
* FC-6490 - Fixed ODI deployments when using cipher parameter
* FC-6493 - Fixed ODL OHS logging when configuring two or more nodes
* FC-6494 - Fixed ODI agent set up when OHS is in front of the domain to load balance

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