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Myst Studio 7.0.0-rc1

Sai Sharath Maale


Platform Model Editor Coloring (FC-5025)

Colors for Blueprint inheritance and overrides are now displayed in the Platform Model editor giving visual feedback to users.

LDAP Integration for Role Based Access Control (FC-6286)

Need to add a new user to Myst? LDAP integration is finally here!

You can now integrate LDAP users and groups to Myst. Users come in as Myst users while groups come in as Myst roles. Assign the roles as required and each time a new user is added to LDAP they will also be added to Myst.

LDAP integration
Users displayed from both Myst and LDAP

Four Eyes Principle for Release Pipelines (FC-6305)

Here is a feature request from our customer. With much collaboration we now have additional security to the Release Pipelines to protect production deployments being promoted by the same person from non-production.

See Four Eyes Principle documentation for more information.

Four Eyes Principle toggle for Release Pipelines

Myst Studio Docker Version Upgrade (FC-6377)

On each release of Myst we will now pull latest version of Tomcat 8.5 and JDK8 meaning all the security enhancements and fixes will go into the latest version of Myst.

Release Notes

Security Improvements

  • FC-6286 - Added support to integrate LDAP to populate users with Myst Studio Role Based Access Control
  • FC-6377 - [#386042] - The myst-studio docker image uses the latest version of Tomcat 8.5 and JDK8 on each release
  • FC-6305 - [#385972] - Four Eyes Principle is a toggle feature for Release Pipelines which prevents the same user from approving/deploying the same release in non-prod to prod
  • FC-6495 - Stopped browsers from autofilling username/passwords particularly for private key alias and passphrase properties in the Platform Editor which resulted in unexpected and incorrect data when saving

General Improvements

  • FC-6421 - [#386046] - You can now bulk remove a Stage from all Release Pipelines
  • FC-6505 - [#386133] - Prevented special characters being used in Platform Blueprint versions which can sometimes cause errors
  • FC-6465 - [#386040] - Pagination is now supported for the Application Blueprint UI. Now we just need to improve response times for saving :)
  • FC-6204 - [#385916] - Added support for Payload Validation property in Enterprise Manager
  • FC-5025 - Platform Model editor now represents Blueprint property inheritance through coloring. Blue is inherited by the blueprint. White is overridden by the model. Red is a primary resource which only exists in the model (eg. JDBC DataSource).
  • FC-6489 - [#386116] - Added support for Oracle Internet Directory (OID)

Bug Fixes

  • FC-6474 - [#386106] - JCA FileAdapter now supports multiple connection factory interfaces instead of defaulting to javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
  • FC-6506 - [#386114] - JMS Time-to-Live-Override is now updated correctly
  • FC-6256 - [#385947] - A meaningful error is displayed when deleting a Model still associated with Release Pipelines

Known Issues

Platform Editor Coloring (FC-5025)

  • All resources such as the JDBC DataSource in the Platform Model Editor displays as red meaning the resource does not exist in the Blueprint. This is incorrect and a known bug which will be resolved in a later release.

LDAP Integration (FC-6286)

  • The LDAP UI only saves provider details if a successful connection is made. In a future release the LDAP UI will save details regardless of success/failure.

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